I am honored to announce that, much to my surprise, I have been made the modest recipient of a "Liebster Blog Award". I have seen lately this award coming and going on various blogs I follow. I found interesting to watch how it was jumping from a blog to an other, but I was far to imagine that a copy of this golden friendly dude would end up on my page. I am not even sure that I really deserve it, considering how recent is my start with the bloging enjoyment. Well, at least Jonas M from A Conflict of Interest things I do, and I owe him a all lot of thanks for that. Hadn't he choose me, surely I would have choose him for his painting style is clearly one of my favorite out there.
"Lovely painted models from Ni. Tchirititch from Canada. Check out those shields!"Unfortunately I can't award him back, this would make no sense, and would ruin the all purpose of the chain of rewards. So, before I unleash the hunger of the mighty Ouroboros, lets have a careful reading of the rules:
- "Copy and paste" the award on your blog, and talk about it a bit.
- Select for the award your five favourite blogs with less than 200 followers, leaving a comment on one of their post to notify them that they have won the award. You need also to list them in your own blog.
- Enjoy the moment, knowing that you have just made someone's day.
- Of course, there is no obligation to pass the award, but it is a good deed really.
So, here is my short list:
- Dramatic Katastases
Great blog about the LotR, constantly growing hordes of an equal painting quality, great ideas for scratch build and for converting, and the best profile picture I have seen so far!
- Par la bouche de mes canons
The new born blog of a combat hardened wargamer, better known as Archiduc Charles by the Napoleonic Era fanatics. I have some insights of what's coming next... Lets only say you would not want to miss that.
- Sam's Minis World
This one is not a wargaming blog nor is it dedicated to 28mm figures, rather than that, it displays jewels of medieval and fantasy in 20mm, and some superb oldschool Mithrill miniatures of the LotR. I am always moved by the poetry of Sam's approach. Unique to my point of view.
- Toma's Minis World
The best blog I have ever cross dealing with a colorful period that I really enjoy, 17th century warfare in central Europe: polish hussars, Cossacks, Ottomans… Here again not 28mm nor wargaming, but check those conversions on such small pieces. And painting is breath taking. A period I'd like to give a go.
- Wargaming in 28mm and sometimes smaller
If you don't know John de Terre-Neuve already, you have been sleeping under a rock in deep oceans, last couples of years. I am only surprised that he is not awarded already. Well I better hurry before he gets 200 followers…
Now, I am kind of curious to see to who they will turn the favour.